Kythera. For some the centre of Europe, for others the world. This is where three seas meet, the Aegean, the Ionian and the Cretan. It is also where these seas meet with the sun.

Kythera. For some the centre of Europe, for others the world. This is where three seas meet, the Aegean, the Ionian and the Cretan. It is also where these seas meet with the sun.

A world full of interactions. The Kytherian cuisine is just that. Interactions of flavors, colors and aromas. An unbeatable combination coupled with the purity of the soil change the simplest of dishes into a serious taste bud experience.
The management of Vilana Studios will commence cooking classes which will be just that: a taste-bud experience. Simple food created from simple ingredients either from our own estate or produce of the island. You will be shown how fresh cheese is made, its versatility in its use in savory and sweet dishes and also almond sweets to die for using world class thyme honey.
Explanations concerning the care of goats resulting in sweet aromatic milk, the production of our cold pressed olive oil and the use of traditional ingredients for traditional recipes will be provided.

On completion of the session we will sit down to relax and enjoy our meal accompanied by wine and Fatouratha, the traditional Kytherian liqueur.

Participants will also take with them a gift from the Vilana Estate.
Prices: minimum participants per class 2 persons.
2-5 participants €70
5-10 participants €60 

If you are guests at Vilana Studios price per person €50.

Classes will be conducted throughout April through to September. For details and enquiries please contact Elizabeth Stais at